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Recenter Yourself with Chella's 22 Day CHELLAnge New Year Challenge

Recenter Yourself with Chella's 22 Day CHELLAnge New Year Challenge

Written by Sierra Breeden

Happy New Year Chella Bellas!

It’s out with the old and in with the new! Follow us on our 22-day challenge to start your year off with good habits and lots of self-love! We created this challenge to help you implement healthier habits, learn new self-care activities, and get you going in the right direction for 2022. The daily challenges are simple, attainable, and FUN! Plus, you can revisit this challenge whenever you need to refocus, recenter, and just get things going again.

Below are the exact steps we are taking, and hope you take on as well! Follow us on Instagram, @Chellabeauty, to see the full challenge details each day, stay connected with the Chella community, and tag us in your challenge posts & stories for a chance to win amazing prizes and giveaways!

Day 1: January 4th

Create a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is not only fun and exciting but can actually help you achieve your goals! Having a visual representation of your dreams, intentions, and goals for the new year can help enhance productivity and motivation! You can use a poster, stickers, markers, magazines, or create one on your phone. The key is to make it fun! Tip: use pinterest for some aesthetic images and find other people’s vision boards on tiktok for some inspo!

Day 2: January 5th

Drink a Gallon of Water

Water, water, and more water! Drinking water comes with more benefits for your body than we can count. Today, be mindful of that and try drinking a gallon of water. Your body will thank you!

Day 3:  January 6th

Make Your Bed

Making your bed after waking up can give you a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of calm. Mental health struggles can make little tasks seem hard sometimes, so it’s important to celebrate the little wins like this. Even though it seems like the smallest of tasks, let’s be honest, it can be so hard to make your bed on most days. But if you start your day off with a made bed, you just accomplished something and feel more ready to accomplish the next thing on your list. It’s a great way to start your day off right! 

Day 4: January 7th

Make Your Playlist

Make a fun playlist of songs that inspire and motivate you! Having an uplifting go-to playlist will instantly get you in a good mood. Plus, you can come back to it all year long for some extra positivity!

Day 5: January 8th

Take a 10 Minute (or more!) Walk Outside

Today, enjoy a quick walk outside! Even a short 10-minute walk can help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and improve brain function.

Day 6: January 9th

Skin Care Routine

Once you establish a skincare routine it is easier to maintain. Today, focus on the health of your skin and stick to a routine to keep your skin healthy, fresh, and nurtured! Maybe even try going makeup-free for the day to let your skin breathe.

Day 7: January 10th

Clean Out Your Makeup Bag

Let’s get organized! Today try cleaning out your makeup bag or makeup space. Throw out any old products and make room for new ones! 

Day 8: January 11th

Try a New Makeup Trend

There are so many trending makeup looks! Find some fun inspiration on Pinterest or Tik Tok and try out a new look!

Day 9: January 12th

Daily Affirmations

Create a shortlist of affirmations to focus on throughout the day. Affirmations can help improve your mood, confidence, and productivity. Write them down, say them out loud, or repeat them to yourself in your head. Make this a daily habit to keep you feeling good all year! 

Here are a few examples:

“I am confident in myself”

“I accomplish anything I put my mind to”

“I am worthy and enough”

“I open my heart and drink in this glorious day”

“I love myself” 

Day 10: January 13th

Text 3 People and Tell Them You Love Them

Today, choose 3 people you love and text them to let them know! We are all about positivity and acts of love. Telling someone you love them will help bond your relationship and keep it strong. Plus it's a great way to practice expressing your emotions if you aren’t good at that.  Thank you, more love please!

Day 11: January 14th

Go on a Picnic With Friends

Plan a picnic with a few people who are important to you. Music, good snacks, friends, and fresh air makes for the perfect day! Don’t have anyone to go with? No worries, grab that playlist you made a few days ago, your fave snacks, a journal/book, and go sit with yourself and enjoy your own company…Plus it’s kinda fun being that cool #mysteriousperson everyone always wants to be.

Day 12: January 15th


As you probably already know, meditation is incredibly beneficial! It can help you manage stress and increase your self-awareness. If you’re new to meditation you can start with a quick 5 minute one to get a feel for it. Meditating is a great habit to keep you balanced throughout the year.

Day 13: January 16th

Turn Off Your Phone for an Hour

Today, try taking a break from your screen. Give yourself an hour of no distractions! Instead, you could read a book, stretch, get coffee with a friend, journal, etc. The list goes on and on!

Day 14: January 17th

Pay It Forward: Pay for the Person Behind You’s Drink

Go for it and buy the person behind you a drink when you're getting your morning coffee. This simple act of kindness is SURE to make someone's day! Not getting coffee? A simple act of kindness goes a long way…what act of love can you serve to others today? It can be as easy as venmoing your friend $5 with a note saying “get yourself a coffee because i love you loser ;)” or holding the door open for people! The sky’s the limit when it comes to acts of kindness.

Day 15: January 18th

Make Yourself a Healthy Drink!

Give your body some love and make yourself a smoothie, some tea, or healthy hot cocoa! 

Day 16: January 19th

Go Outside to Look at the Sun and Stars

Take a break from the day and step outside for some fresh air. Take 5 minutes to watch the stars, sun, or clouds go by! Give yourself some time to relax. 

Day 17: January 20th

Try a New Hobby

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try? Maybe you’ve never tried ceramics, calligraphy, or ax throwing! Today, go out and try a new hobby! Here’s our list of ideas: go to Michaels and grab some canvas and paints to paint, rent a bike/skateboard/surfboard/atv and try it out, go on YouTube and search beginners choreography and learn a new dance (grab a friend for this one because you’re bound to giggle), go on TikTok or Instagram and try a fun new recipe (heyyyy Emily Mariko), grab a friend and style them in some clothes…go out and take model shots together (cue the drama), download ClassPass and do the trial period and try out free classes from workouts to holistic wellness!!!! 

Day 18: January 21st

Try a New Hairstyle

Do something a little different today and try a new hairstyle. This can be super fun and give you a confidence boost! Tip: TikTok and YouTube are your best friend when it comes to new ideas!

Day 19: January 22nd

Reach Out to Someone You Lost Touch With

Catch up with someone you haven’t talked to in a while! Reconnecting with old friends can be exciting and leave a feeling of positivity on both ends. “Hello” goes a long way!

Day 20: January 23rd

Wear Your Pajamas Day!

Relax and wear your favorite pajamas all day today! Everyone needs a lazy day here and there. Immediately yes. 

Day 21: January 24th

Treat Yourself… Self Care

A bubble bath, a facemask, a shopping spree, some journaling… sooo nice. Treat yourself to whatever makes you feel good today! 

Day 22: January 25th

Write a Letter to Yourself

Maybe you want to write a letter to your future self, write a present letter of gratitude for yourself, or just reflect on your goals and dreams for the year to come. Whatever it is, write it out, put it in an envelope, and write an “open date” on it. Keep it someplace safe like inside your journal or in your bed-side table. What do you have to say to your future self, Bellas?


Images sourced from Pinterest (Sophie Allegra)



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