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Don't Like the Gym, But Still Care About Your Health?

Don't Like the Gym, But Still Care About Your Health?


Written by: Maria Ortiz

The truth is, I’ve never been a fan of going to the gym. I have tried multiples times (and failed repeatedly). There are days when I wake up motivated to move my body, but prefer to stay in bed just because the thought of going to the gym is ...BLEH. If you are like me, every year you create a bucket list of New Years Resolutions (I of course, never get half of the things done) and you are extremely motivated at first but then quickly lose interest. Sounds like you too? Then better keep reading, this blog is just for you!   

A hard truth to swallow: Your doctor will eventually prescribe you with "moving your body every day." It's better to start sooner rather than later, because little by little your body can boost up with energy and your overall health will improve day by day. 

Let's get R-E-A-L. Seeing physical changes can continue to motivate you to keep going. While it should not be your only reason to start working out, it sure can help. Numbers have always been everyone's gambit, but recently the world is learning, growing and changing. Most people have realized that the number on that tape measure or scale doesn't actually matter or dictate health. What matters is how we feel on the inside. By only focusing on the numbers, it is easy to lose motivation very fast, so rather than grabbing a tape measure or scale, try to measure yourself by your vitality and energy and the improvement in that.

Your body does not need you to be a Triathlete. Health doesn't equate to athleticism. You don’t need to push yourself to your breaking point doing extreme diets or fitness journeys. If you are just starting your exercise journey (believe me, I have started mine like 30 different times this year), it is important to not push yourself too hard or fast. That is how you’ll just get tired and lose interest. Another important factor to consider is just like your body needs to move everyday, so does your mind. 

GOING TO THE GYM IS ONLY ONE WAY TO EXERCISE YOUR BODY. Don’t limit yourself. There are tons of ways to boost your heart rate and wake up your body every day. Find what works for YOU. I’ll give you a couple of examples that have helped me.

1. Yoga (helps me wake up my mind and body every morning)... For lighter stretches and focused breathing, try Yin Yoga.

2. Pilates

3. Walking outdoors

4. Boxing

5. Swimming

6. Dancing (whether its on Just Dance, a Zumba class, or a spontaneous dance party!)

7. 5 minute Ab workouts (Believe me, you can do ANYTHING for five minutes, just search one up on YouTube! My fave is Blogilates)

8. Try Classpass to try different "workout" classes and more. This way you don't have to commit to a gym membership or class membership and get to try lots of different types of activities until you find your one!

9. Jumping rope

So grab a partner and set up a date to start working out. I promise this will motivate you. Plus, if you get a workout-bestie, you can hold each other accountable every single day. 

Finally, it’s all in your mind (yes, trust me, you can get stronger and healthier just by walking every day 30 minutes). There are two mantras that have helped me wake up every day feeling motivated to move my body.

The first mantra is: “When there’s no motivation, there is discipline.” This has helped me wake up, and without thinking twice, put my exercise clothes on right away and start working out. 

The second mantra is “I am in control of my thoughts.” I constantly repeat this mantra in order to keep going even when I feel the most tired and feel like giving up. I repeat to myself, “I can do it, I am capable to keep going.” 

Finally, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like to go to the gym, I don’t either, and many people share this feeling as well. However, it is important to take care of your body because you remain with it for the rest of your life. Practice every day until it becomes a habit. You'll feel good about yourself and mentally stronger than ever. Don’t wait until tomorrow, take advantage of La Vie right now! We completely believe you can do it, Bella, now is your turn to believe in yourself.

Photo sourced from Pinterest: Sara

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